September 21, 2008.
The Chandigarh Sahitya Akademi celebrated Hindi divas today by organizing a lecture on the state of the national language today. The main speaker was the well-known creative writer, Dr Indu Bali, Chairing the talk was the veteran journalist and commentator, Dr Radhe Shyam Sharma.
Indu Bali's talk was a hard-hitting one that targetted those who do not love the Hindi language as traitors to the nation. In an impassioned plea, she espoused the cause of the national language, stressing that we may consider ourselves truly free only when we give due respect and position to Hindi.
Dr Radhey Shyam Sharma pointed out that in all leading countries of the world Hindi is taught at institutions of higher learning and we in India should realise this and do our bit for the language.
DS Gupt, Vice-Chairman of CSA, summed up the views of the two speakers and reiterated that the Akademi should focus on the development and progress of Hindi.
Madhav Kaushik, Secretary of CSA, compered the event.