One who can see the world in a grain of sand
Who can fly on the viewless wings of poesy
Who writes neither for fame or money
Who stitches and unstitches a tapestry of words all the time
“A line may take us hours may be….
But if it seems not a moment's thought
All our stitching and unstitching has been nought."
(misquotation perhaps, but you know what I mean.)
A poet would take a trip on the gossamer wings of a dragonglay
grasp a moonbeam and save it for a dark night
Or reach out for a sunbeam alighting on a mote of dust
gather the rainbow colors of a dewdrop before it evaporates
– and use those colors to paint the world in brighter hues.
grasp a fleeting moment, seek the ephemeral,
the transitory,
aeons of life lived in a nanosecond ----
All this and much more
Only to perpetuate it in black and white
On the printed pages of a book of verse.
CSA organized a multi-lingual Kavi Sammelan on the eve of Independence day in the Auditorium of Govt.College, Sector 11, Chandigarh.
Pradip Mehra, Adviser to the Administrator, inaugurated the event. Also present at the commencement was DPI Colleges, Raji Shrivastava.
City poets read their poems in Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu and English.
Here is a group photo of the participants taken at the end of the program.