Awards for Printed books 2014
Chandigarh Sahitya Akademi invites writers residing or working in Chandigarh to submit PRINTED BOOKS in Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, or English (Poetry, Fiction, Plays) published in 2014.
Two copies of each book should be sent to the CSA office (1st Floor, State Library, Sector 34, Chandigarh), by JANUARY 23, 2015.
Edited books and those published with financial help from CSA or from another agency will not be considered.
Manju Jaidka
Chairperson, CSA
Chandigarh Sahitya Akademi invites writers residing or working in Chandigarh to submit PRINTED BOOKS in Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, or English (Poetry, Fiction, Plays) published in 2014.
Two copies of each book should be sent to the CSA office (1st Floor, State Library, Sector 34, Chandigarh), by JANUARY 23, 2015.
Edited books and those published with financial help from CSA or from another agency will not be considered.
Manju Jaidka
Chairperson, CSA